World Clock Synthesis of Systems - original poster

What is the World Clock, Synthesis of Systems?

By way of introduction

With a life spent surrounded by books of all kinds, most people can appreciate how something like this was just bound to happen. In fact, our literary subculture has certainly distinguished itself for harboring it’s fair share of peculiar individuals, especially those feeling that they too have a ‘great work’ waiting inside them, yearning to be free. Having stumbled countless nights over obscure passages, picked at fragments gleaned across millennia, books to explain life, the universe and everything… Seems only natural I’d come up with a few thoughtful musings of my own.

In that dark age before personal computers, my original motivation was simply to organize the profusion of interesting factoids streaming across my desk. Employed by Shorey’s, then among the nation’s largest antiquarian bookstores, I was in need of some practical method for sorting the continuous information hodgepodge passing through my finger tips each and every day. So at first, the objective was to draft an index of accumulated information, a graphical Compendium of Knowledge, to better direct my own efforts, and glimpse perhaps the scope and scale of human potential.

When these diagrams first began appearing in my sketchbooks, they were little more than a circuitous series of inky doodles. Combining these various systems one atop another, I noticed they frequently contained similar proportions of essential elements, which in turn could be distributed evenly around a circular, geometrical matrix. More commonly recognized as a Mandala, this classic structure became my preferred tool for juxtaposing this swirling maelstrom of ideas, and to assemble all that raw data into some reasonably unified, synergistic whole.

With this fundamental template firmly established, uncovering new connections existing between these diverse areas of intellectual endeavor naturally became much easier. Previously unknown structural symmetries, as well as strangely familiar dynamic relationships, came into focus after converging upon this integrated, cohesive framework. Searching even further, intrigued by encounters with repeated themes, I saw meaningful coincidences woven into the tapestry of attributes shared by multiple systems. This unique synthesis made it possible to understand both the function of any given element within a specific system, while simultaneously discerning similar qualities that correspond to elements in different, parallel systems.

Over the years, what actually pulled me in most was not merely the alignment of various systems, but how they reference a far deeper, numinous origin to which everything unequivocally pointed. Obscured behind a veil of symbolism, waiting in the void between systems, lay an invisible engine of creation, a manifestation of primordial order and meaning. Every system yet conceived still bares the indelible imprint of this same intrinsic pattern, and fidelity to this pattern is what determines if a system “rings true” to our conscious awareness. So there I was, with a freshly minted technique for organizing reality, when along comes this catchy new name, kindly provided by a pleasant bit of synchronicity.

Pauli’s World Clock

In a book called ‘Psychology and Alchemy’ there is a series of transformative dreams, attributed to a modern European (later identified as Wolfgang Pauli) summarized and interpreted by none other than C.G. Jung. This sequence culminates with an archetypal vision, described as a three dimensional mandala, carrying four hooded figures each holding a pendulum, riding on the back of a great black bird. Comprised of intersecting clock faces, this dream mandala simultaneously operates on different planes, time scales, quadrants and colors, and is encircled by a golden ring. Interpreted by Jung as a symbol of the whole and eternal Self, he termed it the World Clock, which fit just perfectly as a name for this metaphysical representation. Scattered like keys among so many systems, I had unlocked the conceptual tools needed to assemble this information into a comprehensible, Big Picture perspective of existence.

What can the World Clock be used for?

The World Clock Synthesis has the primary function of appealing to the aesthetic, authentic self. Examine the details, then just take a few steps back, until the lettering and symbols become a vague blur. The emphasis then shifts from individual elements, toward a comprehensive perspective widely focused upon that “Big Picture”. Continue gazing at the chart’s center and the colors begin to swirl, possibly invoking a mild trance state, perhaps making you slightly dizzy, or maybe a little of both. Traditionally, intentionally focusing individual consciousness has long been an important design consideration when creating Mandalas and other such sacred circles.

The World Clock can be applied as a universal key or master index, allowing detailed examination of thoroughly integrated systems. For example, easy comparisons are made between classically related subjects, such as Tarot and Astrology, while simultaneously revealing clear correspondences shared by modern DNA codes and the I Ching of ancient China. Essentially the World Clock provides a tool for juxtaposing numerous intellectual pursuits, allowing meaningful arrangements to be made from various concepts and symbols. This approach alters the paradigm of knowledge away from fragmentation and specialization, towards a more inclusive and unified style of understanding.

Another benefit would be in the contemplative arts of divination and self analysis. When any World Clock systems is consulted as an oracle, the matrix quickly provides access to interpretations from other systems, which can be applied back to the original question. As astrological charts might reveal particular aspects of an individual’s predisposition, so too can Tarot and Numerology reveal other personality traits. All potential experiences are woven into every individual within the great fabric of society, thus dabbling in divination can offer direct insight into the collective reality which makes us human. Keep in mind as you consult any oracle, each situation has several possible outcomes, with consequences ultimately determined by the use of your own freewill in the present moment.

The World Clock synthesis employs geometry and color as tools for analyzing humanity’s important systems. Although normally perceived as unrelated, many scientific and philosophical disciplines can be easily compared when utilizing this simple matrix.

Consider first the Electromagnetic Spectrum. This serpentine diagram reveals the limitless light emanating throughout our universe. The initial level radiates from the void at wavelengths equivalent to nuclear particles. Cellular processes on the biological level organize at dimensions identical to light waves. With the transmission frequencies of the third level, we have created vast networks of electronic communication. As the known spectrum concludes, elongated sound and brain waves continue unwinding towards the infinite.

In the next chart, the Universal Man advances colored locations for human bio-resonance fields. These are centers for the natural inclinations that subtly influence our needs and drives. Surrounded by an octave of musical tones and the visible light spectrum, he also discloses precise numerical parallels between sight and sound.

The Philosopher’s Stone at the center of the World Clock signifies the mystical geometry upon which this entire matrix is built. Within the triplicities are the essential ideals alongside patterns of change. On the level of quadruplicities are associations with the four states of being, the procession of time and dimensions of space. The initial group of twelve combines subatomic particles, the metallic kingdom, our solar system and the far off constellations together. This arrangement provides the basis for a coherent, multileveled system.

The World Clock structure develops around four distinct cycles or levels encircling the central section. The phases of solstice and equinox contribute the cardinal points used for transitions between the main quadrants. Analogous to the balance wheel and spring found in the common clock, this “wheels within wheels” design oscillates through each successive level. After the balance wheel encompasses one series of drives, the subsequent group is activated during the reverse cycle. Thus these levels rhythmically expand and unwind their spring of animating energy throughout the entire system.

Of the many systems available for synthesis, the following were selected for integration within this World Clock:

**The Electromagnetic Spectrum**
**The Subatomic Fermions**
**The Phenomenon of Light and Sound**
**The Drives of Bio-Resonance Fields**
**Human Chromosomes and DNA Triplet Codons**
**The Alchemical Arts, Noble Metals, & Essences**
**The Planets and Sun Signs of Astrology**
**Major and Minor Arcanas of Tarot**
**Numerology and Geometry**
**The Chinese I Ching Hexagrams**

Every system contains dormant tools capable of expanding your awareness of the universe and existence. The most useful tools are finely sharpened, adjusted, and cared for, limited then solely by the abilities of the operator. As the configuration of systems in your mental toolbox grows, the key to new insights is found in remaining flexible. Be receptive to fresh perspectives, while also endeavoring toward personal integration and synthesis. All creation reverberates with the symmetry and beauty of the original source. Perhaps by recognizing this vital connection, we may rediscover that the greatest living system has always been ourselves.

C.G. Jung on Mandalas

Mandala means circle, more especially a magic circle. The Mandala is an archetypal image whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. It signifies the wholeness of the self. This circular image represents the wholeness of the psychic ground, the divinity incarnate in man. The goal of psychic development is the self. There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the center, to individuation.

Now it is, I can hardly refrain from remarking, a curious “sport of nature” that the chief chemical constituent of the physical organism is carbon, which is characterized by four valences; also it is well known that the diamond is a carbon crystal. Carbon is black, coal, graphite, but the diamond is “purest water”. C.G. Jung

World Clock with Chakras - Synchronized Animation

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.”
– Calvin Coolidge