
Sun Signs and Planetary Associations

Sun Signs have become the most recognized method of Astrology, at least so far as folks being familiar with daily horoscopes, like those found in news papers and popular magazines. Providing a highly simplified method of astrological association, the common Sun Sign system only takes into account but a single data point, that of the position of the Sun at the time of birth. It is assumed individuals born under a certain ‘sign’ will have a tendency to exhibit specific behaviors or characteristics generally associated with one of the the twelve symbolic signs of the ancient Zodiac.

Astrological Sun Signs

Aries – Element Fire. Independent, Assertive and Motivated, Provocative, Spontaneous, Enthusiastic. Also Aggressive, Inconsiderate and Self Centered.

Taurus – Element Earth. Grounded, Realistic, Persistent, Determined, and perhaps Opportunistic. Stable and Predictable personality, Supportive and Reliable. Sensual, enjoys tastes, textures.

Gemini – Element Air. Versatile Intellect, Investigative, Curious, Inquiring. Communicative, Versatile, and quick to make Associations. Possibly Nervous, Unreliable and Undirected.

Cancer – Element Water. Emotional, Sensitive, Empathic and Intuitive. Provocative, Instructive, Motivating, Generative, Nurturing. Stability Oriented, Protective of the Past, Nostalgic, Moody.

Leo – Element Fire. Spontaneous Expressiveness, Enthusiastic, and Excited. Stimulating Catalyst, Inclusive, Confident and Nobel. Heart Centered Romantic, Generous. Perhaps Egotistical, Arrogant.

Virgo – Element Earth. Pragmatic and Practical. Analytical, Adaptive and Methodical. Problem Solver, Fixer of Things, Repairs and Improvements. Critical yet Discreet, Systematized and Structured.

Libra – Element Air. Cooperative, Communicative and Interactive. Partnerships Initiated, Balanced Negotiator, Egalitarian. Motivated Objectivity. Sometimes Vain.

Scorpio – Element Water. Intense Focus and Experiences. Power Oriented and Penetrating, Manifesting. Birthing, Defending, Destroying. Empathic, Sensitive, Psychic, but Jealous and Suspicious.

Sagittarius – Element Fire. Expressiveness and Expansion. Diversified and Flexible, Seeker of Truth. Disseminator and Teacher of Knowledge. Inspiring, Principled, Optimistic. Benevolent, Easy Going.

Capricorn – Element Earth. Generative, Formal, Disciplining. Authoritative, Dictatorial, Aloof, Require Respect. Conservative and Traditionalist. Overly Structured, but Not Entirely Rigid.

Aquarius – Element Air. Intelligent, Logical, Conceptual. Intense, Focused, Persistent, Determined. Innovative, Reforming Visionary, Global Thinking. Eccentric, Disruptive, Unpredictable.

Pisces – Element Water. Spiritual, Compassionate, Intuitive, Healing, Psychic. Adaptive, Evolving, Diversified. Dreamy and Serene, Imaginative. Barrierless, Disintegrated, Confused, Dependent.

Planetary Influences are typically associated with certain Zodiac Signs, and thus believed to subtly affect different aspects of individuals and society in somewhat similar ways. The sometime frantic events of daily life are more a consequence of inner planets swirling around us much faster, where as the deep pull of distant lumbering giants orbiting at the edges of our solar system might require generations before completing a single cycle of their influence over human history.

Planetary Influences

Mars (Distance from Sun: 227,900,000km) – Iron – Initiator of Movement, Actively supports Individualization, Pursuer of Persona, Strong Internal Drives: Sexual Attraction, Desires, also Anger.

Neptune (Distance to Sun: 4,497,000,000km) – Zinc – Actively Inspires Movement, Capacity to Integrate and Fantasize, Empathetic. Manipulator of things, Secrets Kept, Potential for Delusions, Addictions or Phobias.

Mercury (Distance from Sun: 57,900,000km) – Quicksilver – Curious, Logical, Cognitive Mind, Dexterous Individual, Adept at Communication, Social Interaction and Dialogue.

Moon (Distance from Earth: 384,400km) Silver – Reflected Light, Memories, Instinctive, Sensitive, Emotional, Sentimental. Unconditionally Supportive, Protective, Caretaker, Responsive to needs of others.

Sun (Diameter of Sun: 1,400,000km) – Gold – Illuminator, Creatively Expressive, Demonstrative, Identifies with Essential Self Actively Individualized, Generous, Attention to Details.

Earth (Distance from Sun: 149,600,000km) – Antimony – Grounded, Thoughtfulness, Organization of Ideas, Ability to Relate Things to One Another, Connectedness, Feedback, Encouragement to Manifest Ideals.

Venus (Distance from Sun: 108,200,000km) – Copper – Attractive Personality, Real Charmer, Beautify, Receptive, Able to Evaluate and Harmonize. Refine Basic Values, Encouragement, Fair Arbitrator.

Uranus (Distance from Sun: 2,870,000,000) – Uranium – Innovator, Actively Manifests, Breaker of Old Patterns and Limits. Prefers Change, Shattering Existing Structures, Rebelliousness. Also Detached and Observant.

Jupiter (Distance from Sun: 778,300,000km) – Tin – Philosopher and Seeker, Teacher of Growth. Scientific. Quest for Knowledge, an Expansive Mind. Increase and Disseminate Information. Generosity.

Saturn (Distance from Sun: 1,427,000,000km) – Lead – Builder of Structures, Setter of Boundaries, Wanting Respect and Position. Solid and Reliable Organization Man, Authority, Limiting and Conservative.

Pluto Distance from Sun: 5,900,000,000km) – Platinum – Transforming Urge, Universal Awareness, Inspiration. Quest of Deeper Meaning. Motivated to gather up personal energy for use in planetary transformation.

Ort Cloud – Iridium – Transitional Bridge, Manifesting Ideals in Reality. Incorporates Universal into Personal. Actions Intended to Repair and Heal, a Problem Solver.

Transpersonal Astrology by Dane Rudhyar

We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else.
– C.G.Jung