Tarot Major Arcana

0 – The Fool
All-Encompassing Light – Reality As Development. Aspiration of Potential by Guiding Principles. Ignorant babe of youth about to step off the edge of a precipice, symbolizing Life power before entering into manifestation. Over his shoulder the wand, symbol of Will, Universal Memory in bag. About to step into the open depth of nothingness holds no terror, facial expression is confident and trusting. A choice is offered and made in absolute faith and trust in the Universe.

I – The Magician
Truth – the Master of Illusions – Right hand wand raised upward. Left hand extended downward towards earth. Around his waist is a serpent biting its own tail, the Symbol of Eternity, Attainment in the Spirit. Above head Infinite Sign of Life. On the table before him are symbols of four suits to be used as He Wills, tools representing processes required to move between planes. Creative Power to materialize his desires, discriminate between illusion and truth.

II – High Priestess
Wisdom – Between two black (negative) white (positive) pillars, representing the life force. Scroll Esoteric Wisdom TARO Divine Law not for all eyes to see. Hidden Influence Greater Law, Secret Law in tune Boundless Self. Spiritual Bride, Virgin Daughter and Mother, Queen Borrowed Light, bright Reflection Light of All That Is. Moon nourished by milk of Supernal Mother.

III – The Empress
Authority on Love – The Earth Mother rounded, warm, caring, seated in a blooming environment of abundance. Crown of twelve stars, with six points, Dominion over Macrocosm. Scepter surmounted by Globe – Material Abundance, Fertility. Sensitive to Physical and Emotional Needs, Loving, Nurturing Provide Protection and Healing.

IV – The Emperor
Authority on World Process – Surveying Dominion, seated on cubic stone throne with rams’ heads. He holds in left hand the orb of memory, in right hand the scepter terminating in the cross of life. Realization of Virile Power, Will in its Embodied Form, He IS the Empire. Executive Leadership. Key #4 indicates stable – four square, broad-based, foundation building on law and order.

V – The Hierophant
Authority On Magic – Triple Crown, seated between pillars Mercy and Severity. His left hand scepter with triple cross, his right in esoteric, silent sign, before him Gold/Silver keys and two priests. Keys power is in exoteric, orthodox doctrine. Rule by the Conventional, utmost rigidity of expression. Symbolizing all things Righteous and Sacred in External Religion, yet also channel of grace belonging to the world of Institution and Ruling Power.

VI – The Lovers
Communication – Discrimination – Angel Wings Spread, Blessing the Natural Adam and Eve. Eve with Tree of Knowledge Good Evil, with Snake. Adam with Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits. Brought together by Third Force representing Unity. Youth, Virginity, Innocence, Love before it is Contaminated by Material Desire. Conscious Temptress leading to the Fall of Man, to ultimately arise and construct Harmonious Productive Relationship, Only through Her can He Complete Himself.

VII – The Chariot
Triumph and Victory – The chariot drawn by Two Sphinxes. Standing for the human personality, vehicle for the expression of the Self. He replied to the question of the sphinx. Holding the Wand of Will, he controls the sphinxes, Conquests Externalize, manifest on all planes, not just within himself. Two sphinxes = Nature, pulling in different directions, Will masters Rational Mind over Emotions.

VIII – Strength
(Lust) – Art (mastery, gifted, adept) Control (command, contain, direction) – Woman, wearing white robe, crowned with flowers, the Infinite Sign of Life above her head indicating she is in control, thanks to this spiritual power. She is closing the jaws of a lion which has already been subdued by her fortitude and innocence. Triumph of Love over Hate, rose chain symbolizes desires united, harmony between opposing forces. Strength Resides in Contemplation of Divine Law, taken into the heart of hearts.

IX – The Hermit
An old man standing high atop a snowy mountain, lantern held in his right hand with a hexagram-star shining brightly from within. Leaning upon the long staff in his left hand, the hermit shields the glowing lantern with his hooded cloak, a ‘Mantle of Discretion’ which protects the light from the howling wind, or unworthy eyes. The Hermit is the embodiment of wisdom, illumination, and inner vision, always ready to guide those who cry out for the Light. He leads the way through long nights of spiritual darkness, where those who dare can achieve great aspirations, and those with a quiet mind are able to experience their inner light. The embodiment of an ancient belief in the Light of the World, the Hermit should not be seen as a man in search of Truth. Instead, his purpose is to faithfully hold forth this beacon of Inner Spiritual Light, emanating outward into the material world, shining far and wide for those with eyes prepared to see. Remaining forever a silent and solitary figure, the Hermit has only the thick mantle of knowledge to protect him and the precious light of Spiritual Philosophy, which is otherwise inaccessible to the profane minds of the uninitiated.

X – Wheel of Fortune
Worldly Process – Smiling sphinx sits upon Wheel with letters T-A-R-O. Four Living Creatures Ezekiel’s vision in corners. Creatures on or within the wheel are powerless, Denial of Chance and Fatality. Ups and Downs of Life, Good Luck which is triggered or started and rolls through natural course of events.

XI – Justice
Balance of Vital Power – Establishment of Equilibrium or Fairness. Decision by powerful authority cuts away False from True. Natural Cycle of Action and Reaction, situation will pass and be balanced out by its opposite. Balance Legal Matters.

XII – The Hanged Man
Transition – Tree of sacrifice is Living Wood with leaves. Facial expression deep entrancement, calm and peaceful, not suffering. Figure suggests Life in Suspension, but not death. There is a sense of waiting for the appropriate time, situation, or circumstances. When time and conditions are right, effective action can and will be taken. Falsely called martyrdom, prudence, the Great Work, or duty. Surrender of Self to higher wisdom.

XIII – Death
Regeneration – Transformation Lower to Higher, Total Change, or Metamorphosis. Destroy the old to generate new. Political Upheaval, Revolution, Anarchy.

XIV – Temperance
Symbolic Communication – Adaptation – Coordinated pouring the essences of life from silver (subconscious) chalice to the golden (conscious) chalice. Combining elements, allowing them to transform, affect each other. Resources or people combined, harmonized, none dominating. Blending creates something new.

XV – The Devil
Removal of Opacity – Horned Goat, Bat Wings, on altar. Traps and Limitations. Remove chains of bondage to material world. Temptation, obstinacy and stubbornness for tangible expectations. Narrowing options and choices in your life through attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions that structure or limit patterns of expression.

XVI – The Tower
Removal of Physical Obstacles – Lightning Blasted, Changing to drops of Solar Fire Receiving Brilliant Flash of Truth. Material Security Crumbles, resultant chaos must run its course. Falsehood, signifies downfall of mind, destruction of intellect. Chastisement of Pride, Struggling to break through man’s thoughts of material ambition Cosmic Consciousness Overwhelms Intellect.

XVII – The Star
Supernal Powers – Spirit Gifts, Eternal Youth Beauty Substance of Heavens and Elements. Living Water pours from two vessels, with one foot on Earth and the other in Water. Meditation Modifies and Transmutes the Personal Expression of Cosmic Energy. Free Universal Abundance, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Unselfish Aid.

XVIII – The Moon
Reflection – Thought – Deliberate – Guess Illuminates the path leading out of the watery Unconscious depths. Intellectual light is reflection, beyond is the Unknown Mystery. Guidance appears as intuitive or symbolic from greater, Universal Self.

XIX – The Sun
Renewal – Naked Child, smiling on back of White Horse, emerges after period of being protected or instructed. Attainment, Liberation. In innocence signifies Seal of Nature and Art, Sun Initiate. Re-directing personal growth using knowledge and experience to Revitalize and Restore World. Refinement, Adjustments, Happiness, Ultimate Attainment. Action and Vibration.

XX – Judgement
Spiritual Awakening. Tombs float on Sea of Cosmic Mind. Mystery of Birth in Death. New Phase process of Maturation under influence of Spirit. Power comes to he who knows, but then responsible for Reawakening Nature.

XXI – The World
Universal Change – Woman clad in scarf, oval wreath frames her figure, wand in each hand. The four beasts at the four corners represent the four elements in balance, corner stones of life. Spiritual Awakening is rapture of the universe when it understands itself. Divine Vision of Consciousness takes into consideration multiple factors, reflecting the Self-Knowing Spirit. Finally Super Conscious, supreme goal of Cosmic Consciousness.

“The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all.”
– A. E. Waite