Life Energy Centers
Alternative Centers Iterations

Watch this space for more information on the background and function of the more traditional seven basic chakra model…

History of the Kabbalah Sephiroth, and their relation to the Life Energy Centers model…

Briefly explanation of Jung’s dynamic model for the integrated, total self.
How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Children’s Show
There’s this great animated children’s series called Avatar: The Last Airbender. Containing all kinds of interesting social commentary and metaphysical concepts, one segment in particular Aang needs help opening up his chakras. Enter a wise old nomad teacher, who instructs the struggling boy Avatar on how to open each of the seven classic chakras, while also learning about the four elements, and how everything in life is interconnected. A whole lot of high minded, spiritual ideas here, to be so casually inserted into some kid’s cable tv show.
Vital Life Centers Suggested Reading List