Philosophic Eggs of Alchemy

Inspired by the Twelve Gates of Sir George Ripley

Highly regarded as one of England’s foremost alchemical figures, the collected writings of Sir George Ripley (1415–1490) have influenced numerous historical notables, such as John Dee, Robert Boyle, and Sir Isaac Newton.

Ripley's WheelContained in his 1471 volume titled The Compound of Alchymy, written in a lyrical, free style verse, Ripley presents the Twelve Gates Leading to the Discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone. Along with the preface was this large folding diagram, known as Ripley’s Wheel, considered essential to decoding the meaning hidden within the text. This allegorical reference has been meticulously organized to include our solar system, its planets, their metals and elements, veiled alchemical recipes, the entirety encoded within one fantastic, circular sigil.

By way of my own introduction, Ripley’s Twelve Gates were expounded upon in some length by C.G. Jung in his own excellent book, Psychology and Alchemy. Although he singled out Ripley’s list for particular scrutiny, Jung struggled with choosing but one particular compilation in preference over another. Expressing these concerns regarding the plethora of possible formulas, Jung lamented it was “Therefore pointless to go further into variations of alchemical procedure…”

Thus it is best understood that no single list, regardless of authorship, or number and order of processes, should be considered as truly definitive or complete. Instead, reflect upon how the Alchemists of ancient times sought their revealed wisdom through direct experience, praying for success only after following in Nature’s footsteps, to be guided by Her methods.


The Alchemical Self

It is said Plato had a pedagogical trick, where he described the Self as essentially just a circle. He’d draw a horizontal line across such a circle, saying it represented the separation between conscious and unconscious. Then a dot was placed at the center of the circle, below the horizontal line. This was to represent the true source from which all vital energy flows. Symbolized by the square, the ego resides above the horizontal line, firmly in the realm of consciousness. Although the multifaceted ego believes that it alone holds the center, in truth, it’s completely off-center! Naively assuming it was in control, poor ego never really had a chance. The unrelenting and overarching influence of our Inner Self will ultimately win out every time. Thus, a successful Alchemist subordinates the desires of Ego, yielding instead to the whispered call and subtle guidance of the Inner Self.

Inner Geometry

Emblem from Atalanta Fugiens 1617 by Michael Maier

Make a circle out of a man and a woman,
out of this a square, out of this a triangle,
make a circle and you will have the Philosopher’s Stone.

Make a circle out of a man and a woman,
From which a quadrangular body arises with equal sides,
Derive from it a triangle, which is in contact on all sides with a round sphere:
Then the Stone will have come into existence.
If such a great thing is not immediately clear in your mind
Then know, that you will understand everything, if you understand the theory of Geometry.

The “squaring of the circle” is one of the many archetypal motifs which form the basic patterns of our dreams and fantasies. But it is distinguished by the fact that it is one of the most important of them from the functional point of view. Indeed, it could even be called the archetype of wholeness. – from Mandalas – C. G. Jung



The true embodiment of physicality, Earth represents qualities of dry and cold, of solidity, structure, stability, and of being at rest. Preserving and healing, Earth forms the indispensable vessel that congeals, condenses and contains the vital pith of life sustaining nourishment. Associated with things perceived as heavy, dense, or impenetrable to light, frequently symbolizing darkness, death, and hidden decay, or a subterranean existence. Yet deep beneath the surface, where a humid warmth infuses her breath with noxious and corrupting vapors, the Earth gradually acts to putrefy things in preparation for their eventual germination. As in the myth of Adam’s creation, Earth provides the underlying Prima Materia, the physical vehicle by which the unceasing generations are conceived and supported.


Classified as hot and dry, Fire indiscriminately radiates its light and warmth in all directions, pushing back against the darkness. Representing the animating force, Fire is associated with ascension, levitation, and extreme volatility, with the ever present risk of a sudden, and potentially explosive expansion. As the universal activating principle, the degree of ferocity in Fire changes according to circumstances: Within the intense fury of Celestial Fire, the very elements themselves are forged. The sustaining Terrestrial Fire brings forth a gentle warmth, which nurtures the chemistry of life. The Artificial Fire of Alchemists must be handled with great care, so as not to destroy the vital spark hidden of Nature’s living creation. Corresponding to both the Universal Self, and the Individual Ego, Fire is perceived as the source for divine love, enlightenment, and illumination. Sometimes signifying death, destruction, retribution, and sacrifice, also holding the potential for purification and renewal.


Representing that which is perceived as wet and cold, the qualities of Water are fixed in principle, yet Water remains formless, and constantly changing. Capable of unbounded mutability, Water effortlessly adapts to any shape, contracting into tiny spaces, or expanding to fill vast oceans. Water captures the fertile niter of spring in dewdrops at dawn, and when falling as rain, serves as messenger between Heaven and Earth. Symbolized by the moon, cups and bowls, or essentially anything hollow, associated with primordial mind, the subconscious, memories, and self reflection. Eternal pool of wisdom, the wellspring of emotion, and chaotic abyss, Water has a tendency for confounding and intermingling the elements together. As Nature’s Menstrum, Water also acts to purify and cleanse, while promoting dissolution and absolution, resurrection and rebirth.


Representing properties of wet and hot, Air is associated with both piercing wind and vital breath. Generally perceived as diffuse, transparent, immaterial and ephemeral, Air also possesses a distinctly sharp, penetrating quality. Opened and permeable, susceptible to external substances, Air has a capacity for carrying aloft the most delicate essences, invisibly transmitting their subtle influences between things. Air is a symbol for the infinite universe, as well as eternity, the conscious mind, contemplation, inspiration and divine messengers, while often considered a source for dreams. In early Christian tradition, Air was shunned as being the infernal mirror realm of Satan and his devils. Yet we know concentrated vapors do percolate up from deep within the earth, to mingle and condense with cooler Air, thus conveying essential, life sustaining nutrients to all surface dwelling plants and animals.


Salt – Body

The underlying matrix upon which other essentials must coagulate and become fixed, Salt is considered a passive medium through which Sulfur and Mercury are activated and organized. After burning a substance down to fine ash, raw Salt can be further cleansed of combustible impurities by either chemical washing, or many repeated cycles of ever increasing heat. Salt becomes more refined in stages: By means of attenuation, Nitre is made by cleansing away crude impurities within the ash. Through slow digestion, Tartar is gradually generated by the warmth of the surrounding material. After these two earlier stages, Vitriol requires a still hotter athanor, for even longer calcinations. Thoroughly purified, the Salt is dissolved into solution, to be evaporated and recrystallized under the influence of the most fortuitous environmental, celestial, and spiritual conditions. As the foundation binding Sulfur and Mercury together, Salt gives existence its fundamental structure, providing the underlying order in a world otherwise filled with limitless individual uniqueness.


The sentient Soul in Nature and earthly adipose, Sulfur is the medium which conveys the unique qualities and flavor of every substance. The fiery emanation fixed within matter, Sulfur is the combustible conductor that provides cohesiveness between the other essences. Sealed in a flask and heated, Sulfur can be distilled over using steam, and then condensed. After commingled water is drawn off, the resulting tincture will contain the pontenized Sulfur of the original source material. In this familiar oily state, Sulfur will spontaneously adhere to Mercury, thus binding spirit and soul together. Everything is inhabited with an intrinsic character, Sulfur acts as the organizing principle to instruct existence of its full potential. Having a proclivity for gaseousness, for being ethereal and aflame, Sulfur also possesses a tremendous mutability. Similarly tied with acerbic smoke and foul odors, or volatile passions and desires, Sulfur is associated with infernal realms, and thus akin to the Devil.


Representing the Life Principle and animating spirit, Mercury is that singular essence shared across the infinite myriad of forms. Both spiritualized and intangible, Mercury is the vitalizing principle which flows through and energizes all existence. Holding dominion over the other essentials by bridging material and immaterial worlds, Mercury has thus become associated with ephemeral interactions between psychic and celestial influences. Fermentation remains the most familiar process for extracting Mercury, yet other substances require application of dry, acidic vapors to corrode away the imprisoning material. Once unlocked and drawn free from the host substance, the volatilized Mercury is reinvigorated from it’s encumbered potentiality, to freshly consummated actuality. Possessing an innate penetrating quality, Mercurial forces percolate up from within the earth, providing the germinating spark behind Nature’s abundance. Perceived as flighty or inconsistent, with a malleability akin to quicksilver, Mercury is often depicted as a fleet footed messenger wearing a winged hat and sandals, bearing forth a caduceus. Thus a swift bearer of news, and steadfast patron of travelers, vagabonds and rogues.



The purification of Salts taken from the Prima Materia through reduction by use of intense heat. Enclosed within the furnace or Athanor, held inside its crucible, the raw material is heated to just below its melting point. Continued high temperature oxidization causes the internal carbonates to decompose, while expelling any  impurities or moisture remaining within. After cooling, the Salts are extracted and crushed with mortar and pestle, then the entire process is repeated until all that remains is a fine calx, or pure white ash. The objective is to completely destroy the previous external form of the substance being worked, revealing its true, inner nature. In this way the Salts are fully opened, and prepared to absorb the purified Oils (Sulfur) and Spirits (Mercury) to be reintroduced later.


The process of dissolving an otherwise solid body, or to liquefy any material into a free flowing substance. Some materials can simply be crumbled and mixed with fresh water, while others require lengthy preparation, such as being finely chopped prior to an extended maceration saturated in alcohol. In the more challenging metallic kingdom, the work frequently demands use of acids or corrosive solvents to disintegrate the elemental substance entirely. The degree of heat applied, and or solvents used, is determined by the type and quantity of material being processed, understanding any liquids remaining must be filtered or distilled off after completion. Dissolved into a thoroughly homogeneous state, the material can finally be considered fully prepared for continued separation.


The process of isolating the elemental substances, differentiated and crystallized into independent existence, before they are once again conjoined. Removing any unwanted contaminants still remaining within the conglomeration, but done without adversely effecting the primary mixture of desirable elemental essences. Transitioning by degrees through each successive state of manifestation, the disintegration slowly proceeds by the application of familiar methods. These include repeated grinding, sifting and filtering powders, to boiling, stirring and skimming liquids, as well as extracting, evaporating or distilling vapors. The goal is to discard any unwanted impurities, while retaining the most active, vital, and refined qualities that still express the genuine nature of the material.


The act of rejoining the previously separated fundamental substances, to be reconstituted according to their innate elemental affinities. Best performed while celestial alignments are highly favorable, as the emerging constellation of substances shall reflect in microcosm subtle influences drawn down from the heavenly macrocosm. The work at this stage includes such things as mixing bowls, compounding jars and reaction vessels, or similar apparatus to help better amalgamate the substances into an altogether uniform consistency. Often referred to as the Sacred Marriage or Reconciliation of Opposites, this stage represents more than just a synergistic embodiment and harmonious union. It is a profound moment in the process: Transitioning from material, into more spiritual operations.


Freshly recombined elemental material is given a long undisturbed rest, providing time to break down in slow, moist decomposition. Traditionally, putrefaction makes use of microscopic bacteria and fungi that contribute to loss of internal cohesion, while also introducing their own noxious vapors into the mixture. This totally organic oxidization process increases internal warmth, while intensifying the rate of natural disintegration. In such an advanced state of decay, the over ripened nature of the substance is cast off and eliminated, as the host medium is being prepared for improved qualities to be seeded back in. Thus from their death, corruption and ultimate destruction, the primordial essences are regenerated, to begin development of their more highly evolved qualities.


Overtly the process of evaporating excess moisture by heating, or to reduce a dissolution by cooling. Following catalyzasion from a viscous liquid, the increase in internal density enables the material to return again to a uniform mass. When conducted at times of auspicious celestial providence, elemental qualities deep within the substance are realigned in accordance with those higher resonate influences. Chemical precursors then initiate reactions which activate the natural compounds to begin palingenesis, or the emergence of a reinvigorated organism from refined Prima Materia. A kind of matter reborn, this agglomeration of essences is the manifestation of Spirit, Soul and Body, in harmony and balance, ready and prepared for the next stage of the work.


Saturated inside a feedback-distillation apparatus, the developing elemental substance is warmed by a gentle process of recirculation, further increasing its potency. To maintain moisture and prevent drying, periodically fresh material will be introduced, as the contents must be fully suffused in liquid throughout the operation. However, the primary source of nourishment is now the transformative tincture activated within the substance itself, drawn from volatile spirits ceaselessly circulating inside the vessel. Symbolically, the infant Stone is nourished by the blood which drips from the Pelican’s pierced breast, also representing the Alchemists own life force, and the important contribution of such spiritual energy to the growth of the Stone.


The process of precisely heating material within an alembic until the more volatile substances transition from their original solid state, into an entirely vaporous condition. Leaving behind any material impurities, this subtle exhalation accumulates upon the cold surface of an elevated condenser. Such instantaneous change from solid to gaseous, then quickly frozen back again, fractionates the essences according to their own specific properties, while increasing purity and potency. Such a rapid cooling upon the condenser also leads to the formation of fine quality crystals, which serves to both align and amplify Soul and Spirit. Various Alchemical texts expound upon the transition of these “bodies” into “spirits” as an example of the dual nature of sublimation, demonstrating the metaphysical implications of Spiritualizing the Body, and Corporalizing the Spirit.


The elemental substance is reduced once again to its fundamental components through interactions with yeast, or some other chemical enzyme. Sealed in an airtight vessel, freed alcohol and gasses represent volatile spirits, soluble oils the soul, while discarded salt bodies sink toward the bottom. Gradually converting starches and sugars into alcohol, or creating carbon dioxide that gives bread its rise, warming fermentation breaks down and transforms the material into something more than it was before. By introducing this tiny amount of philosophical ferment, the leavened material is transfigured, and acquires significant new qualities. One byproduct is the Aqua Vitae, or Water of Life, which repeated distillation leaves increasingly concentrated, and spagyrically activated.


Heat generated within the elemental substance concentrates its strength, while dissolving circulation and ablution elevate the material to a more pure and perfect nature. This volatilization and condensation process, the continuous recirculation of purging vapors, has symbolically taken on various forms. Perhaps a fountainhead showering Philosophical Mercury into a bath, or a king that sits stewing in his own juices, or is washed in virgin’s milk, or cleansed by falling rain, dew, or fiery drops from heaven. However represented, once scoured after prolonged ablution, with trace impurities expunged, such complete elemental rectification further ripens the Stone. In stages the Stone progressively brightens, slowly from black, to white, then ultimately turning red, when it thus becomes capable of infinite multiplication.


The process of amplification by multiplication, increasing that which is already present within, further enhancing the strength of the Stone. As the Golden Ratio propagates through the crystalline matrix, the energy field is magnified and harmonized, concentrating it within the material. This establishes a resonant sphere of transference between the Stone and Alchemist, granting access to wisdom normally veiled to human consciousness. The geometrization of this prime building block of nature is accomplished by the formula: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10, with repeating cycles of 10 multiplied to infinity. As the Uroboros in endless death and rebirth, the perfected Stone possesses the capacity to replenish more than just itself, it can also impart this limitless potential upon other substances.


According to legend, the Stone is wrapped in a wax pellet, then projected or thrust into a crucible of molten metal. Once introduced, this ruby tincture or powder increases internal heat, bringing about rapid transmutation of raw elements into exceptionally refined substances. Historically, this process is preoccupied with transmuting lead into gold, bringing the alchemist untold wealth. Other traditions hold the Philosophers’ Stone to be a true Solar Medicine, and its projection serves to heal the intrinsic sickness of unperfected matter. The dark chaos of the Prima Materia is akin to a sinner striving for redemption, or the unaware struggling to arise from slumber. Throwing off corruption and awakening divine potential, the Stone liberates the material to attain its highest possible state of perfection.

Alchemist Walking In Nature's Footsteps

“Study what thou art,
Where of thou art a part,
What thou knowest of this art,
This is what thou really art,
All that is without thee,
Also is within.”

– Salomon Trismosin

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